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The following is an overview of steps that can be taken if a hostile intruder is present on campus. More information on the university’s comprehensive response to a range of emergency situations can be found at:
If not safe to speak, Dial 911 and leave the line open so the police can listen to what is taking place.
Remain calm and if it is safe to speak, be prepared to provide the following information:
Your attention to Law Enforcement officers is vital for survival, so it is important to remain calm and follow their instructions.
After putting down any handheld items such as bags, backpacks, jackets, etc. , immediately raise your hands and spread your fingers. Always keep your hands visible and avoid making quick movements towards officers, grabbing onto them or pointing, screaming or yelling at them.
DO NOT stop and ask officers for directions or help when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which the officers are entering the scene.
Arriving officers will not stop to help injured persons, as their response is to stop the active shooter, so be cognizant of this. Rescue teams comprised of additional
officers and other emergency medical personnel will treat and remove any injured persons. They may call upon able-bodied individuals to assist them in removing the wounded from the premises.
Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be detained in that area by Law Enforcement until the situation is secure and all witnesses have been identified and questioned.
DO NOT leave until released by law enforcement authorities.