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Spanish Major

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Why Study Spanish?

With approximately 40 million Spanish speakers in the United States and more than 400 million in the world, being fluent in Spanish is one of the most valuable skills you can bring to your resume and future career. In addition, combining a Spanish major at Eastern with another major or minor will make you more competitive in the workplace. You can also study in or travel to Spanish-speaking countries knowing you can fully engage in the culture.

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Why Study Spanish at Eastern?

Eastern’s Spanish majors achieve proficiency in reading, listening, writing and speaking Spanish and will leave with a solid linguistic and cultural background that will prepare them for their future. Through classroom instruction, fieldwork and travel, they immerse themselves in Hispanic culture and literature, and learn to understand conventional narrative and descriptive texts. Spanish majors are also able to discuss cultural topics and major literary works in Spanish. A Spanish minor is also available to other majors.

Student on field trip to Spain
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Salary Potential


Median salary, Translator/interpreter


Median salary, Television/Radio Reporter

* U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Hands-on Learning

Colorful mural on a cliff side in Cuba

Summer Research

Spanish majors have conducted research in Cuba and other Spanish-speaking countries, exploring native cultures, traditions, art and customs.

Student aides posing for a photograph

Aides in Language Classes

Students may choose a field experience program in which they work as aides in language classes in local school systems. They may also receive academic credit for work in other community-based social agencies/businesses.

Student posing for a photograph under an arch in Spain

Global Studies

Study abroad opportunities in Spain and other locations are available to Spanish majors. Students take intensive Spanish language courses while also taking advantage of opportunities to explore the local culture.

Career Options

Students who pursue undergraduate degrees in Spanish can have rewarding and successful careers in a variety of professional fields, including:

  • Advertising
  • Media & Communication
  • Business
  • School Counselor
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Healthcare
  • Human Resources
  • Social Services
  • Teacher
  • Translator/Interpreter

Successful Alumni

Recent Eastern students who earned a bachelor’s degree or a minor in Spanish are working at area public and private schools as foreign language teachers. Others work for the State of Connecticut in the Department of Revenue Services or the Department of Child and Family Services. Still others are developing successful careers in the medical field, legal profession or social service organizations.

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For more information
(860) 465-5328

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Alumni Testimonials

Jocelyn Santiago ’19
Elementary Education & Spanish

Jocelyn Santiago ’19

Jocelyn was a student leader in Eastern’s Center for Community Engagement. "I believe that everyone should be involved in community service,” she said. “Volunteering is a mutually beneficial experience — the community gains something out of it and so do we, whether the gain is pre-professional experience, networking, or even pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.”

Sarah Froehlich ’16
First-Grade Teacher

Sarah Froehlich ’16

Elementary Education and Spanish major Sarah Froehlich is a first-grade teacher at North Windham Elementary School, where she teaches English to Spanish-speaking children. “At Eastern I was able to student teach in a dual language program, which allowed me to use my Spanish on a daily basis and use my understanding of the language to draw comparisons to English.”

Brenna Casey ’16
Hartford Public Schools

Brenna Casey ’16

Brenna earned her M.S. in education at Eastern and is a kindergarten teacher for Hartford Public Schools. “Education classes at Eastern were both rigorous and fascinating. What I experienced inspires me to pass my enthusiasm for learning onto all my students.”

Jennifer Green ’14
Communications Specialist

Jennifer Green ’14

Jennifer earned her MBA and master's degree in ESL at New Mexico State University and is an associate communication specialist in the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. “I proudly incorporate teaching strategies that I learned at Eastern into my own teaching. My students progress quickly, and they are continuously appreciative of my teaching styles, which I owe in large part to the Spanish program at Eastern.”

Monica Malaver ’12
Spanish Teacher

Monica Malaver ’12

Monica is an elementary school Spanish teacher in West Hartford. “Even though I’m a native speaker, Eastern prepared me in many different aspects of teaching. My education classes gave me the tools and ideas I needed to be competitive in this career.”

Leopoldo Navarro ’16
Spanish Teacher

Leopoldo Navarro ’16

Spanish major Leopoldo Navarro is a Spanish teacher at New London High School. In addition to graduating with honors, Navarro was heavily involved on the Eastern campus with several clubs and organizations. “Thanks to my social and academic experiences at Eastern, I can now relate with and provide better service to my students.”